Cozycatstudio free download

Im still giving away designs I made with the DreamyStack! When those are ready to give away ill see you guys back here on how to get them! Hello everyone! For those of you unfamiliar, the Lucid is a longer and leaner base many enjoyed in the Cozy Package of We are creating new arms legs, hair, face, ears, tails and body shapes its essentially a new base with most of the existing Shortstack rehauled to remain compatible!

We definitely look forward to sharing what we have with you in our final project! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! The example designs we make for this project including the one above will be given away upon release and we'll announce the details around that time!

Hey there! Just a quick update to let you know we've got some exciting news coming up! Tomorrow evening we will be announcing the release date for the final update of the Cozy Package , along with early previews of upcoming content of said update we think you'll love.

Thank you for your patience, we hope you'll enjoy it and we look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow! Heyyy, Hen here again!

So, as hopefully everyone knows, there's a final update to the Cozy Package in the works! Its taking a little bit of time because I'm actually revamping an entire existing base!!

I wont go into too much detail because I want to keep it a surprise, but I will say I think that many of you, especially past cozy package subs may find this project quite "radiant! I'm seeing commentary here and otherwise that's, well, basically factually untrue. I just want to lay it all out as plainly as I can. Namely I'm seeing comments to the effect that I am a year behind on updates to the Cozy Package 17 The truth is, at this point in time I have already delivered more content than I would have if I had not gone on hiatus.

That means those of you that bought the Cozy Package 17 got more than what you paid for and I'm still working on one last installment. Usually Cozy Packages roll out for 12 updates. I extended our release dates to in the summer of when I made my big return. I did this to help make up for the hiatus I took mid in hopes that what I had to offer would make up for my absence instead of just plopping down what I owe everyone and calling it a day.

As it stands currently I am beyond 12 months worth of updates and definitely past the point of what I used to call a Cozy Package "finished" The Content Release Log for this package is as follows Dec 1.

Chrysalis Debut Jan 2. Chrysalis Feb 3. Chrysalis March 4. Chibi Outfit Maker Debut April 5. Chibi Outfit maker 2 6. Chrysalis May 7. Male Chrysalis Debut 8. Shortstack Debut Shortstack Tallstack debut Icon maker 2 Debut Chibi Outfit Maker 2 April Magnum Male Debut, Spookbeast 2 Debut Chibi Outfit Maker 2 this is where I would have ended if I didnt go beyond what I was called to do, essentially October Spookbeast 2 Expansion Wings Nov Chrysalis update Magnum update December Chibi Outfit Maker 2 Thanks for listening and I hope this helps clear the air a little bit about misinformation and where I stand in terms of updates.

We're in the final stretch here and I promise we are gonna make our last hurrah amazing! Every direct link to specific bases on my old site redirects to the appropriate base on the new site, so no worries about those old links, they work! AND Those of you that have purchased something in the past?

And also! Just wanted to give a quick announcement that we're working on a new system for base distribution! In just a bit we'll be posting up the new hub for where all the bases can be downloaded and bought, so keep an eye out for that coming soon!

Hopefully it'll mean no more worrying about a fussy website and keeping everything clean and tidy again! We're also still working on the January update, so there's no need to worry about that! Apologies for the journal delays, we've still been keeping busybusy here at CCS!

Now that the last month's update has been sent out, it's time to get working on the next! And with that, a new suggestion journal too! So if you have the Cozy package, feel free to leave suggestions for any of the Chrysalis, Chibi Outfit Maker, Short and tallstack and Magnum bases! To get things running in a more streamlined fashion, and to get your bases to you as quickly as possible, we've set up a form for those who have emailed, but have not received their bases.

While we understand that going through another process can be a bit annoying, we are trying to make sure your products get to you without fail this time! I may go ahead and send you an email just in case. I'm sorry this is happening to you! Sounds unbelievably frustrating! I appreciate the update and the fixed downoad; I really look forward to using these bases.

While a website move will not affect me in all of these ways, I have some concerns for myself and others. Some of it I understand is not quite foreseeable, but I thought I would bring these up for consideration. Will you retain a record of purchases from the Cozy Cat site?

We will be losing the ability to download at will, and if someone had the files downloaded on a single device only and that device got fried, they would want a way to redownload the files, and I imagine not everyone stores their receipt emails which could potentially be faked anyway.

I don't know all the features these sites may have, but it may be worth considering if you retain a record. Will this site update be sent out in an email from Cozy Cat and mentioned on the site either the updates or preferaby a site-wide banner? Not everyone who purchased your bases follows you on FA or may not check FA frequently; I didn't until recently. If I were considering a purchase, this is information I would want to know. That said, I know it's only been a few hours. Related to point 1 -- Your current schedule lists updates through December.

If someone is slow getting to an update due to being busy or emails going to Spam as the recent update did for me, hence I didn't see it until it was broken , they may only have Will update links sent out in emails continue to work as they are hosted by Dropbox? If records are not retained, will there be a backup plan in case something like September's update happens again, where the email link broke?

If you continue with an update model rather than moving to an addon model for your next bases, will you have a "Plan B" outlined in your site information in case you are unable to provide updates? The silence you had for some months left many people feeling they were cheated out of promised content they had already paid for.

While I can't say anything about that, I will say I understand that life happens and you can't aways keep up with a schedule, whether it's injury, illness, etc. I don't know if your current plan is to set up a brand new site or move to a vendor site like sellfy, but if it's the former, I'd like to see more security so that I know my account and payment data is secure. No doubt you have your own checklist for the future and what sort of shop you will be setting up, but I wanted to express some of my concerns, especially since I may be interested in purchasing future bases.

NathanBobHotpants Anime Artist link. I'm so happy you finally addressed your website, dude, and I'm so happy that you're working on it!

I dont really have any site ideas to give you to start, but it's good you're trying to get it all figured out, I hope the new site will work well and keep everybody safe and up to date! I'm not seeing an update for October on the website and I didn't receive one in my inbox I've gotten every update in my email previously.

Are we getting an update for October or are we skipping this month again? EllisBo link parent. EllisBo link. So when are we going to get the next update?

It's already 7 days late if we're going by the date you posted last month. Yeah, i'm curious are we getting an Oct.

You never said anything about it, if we aren't you should just come out and say we aren't and not run off and hide from us again Btw I do get your emails, i forgot to say that in my last comment, but i do so i hope it didn't fuck up now. BrattyBoy Digital Artist link.

NathanBobHotpants Anime Artist link parent. Why ask us then?? Nobody asked for this new buff male base when you couldve added it to the old chrysalis base, like don't get me wrong, i do enjoy the magnum base but like??? Not to mention the only shortstack addition we got was hidden in the spookbeast update BrattyBoy Digital Artist link parent. Yeah honestly it is highkey pathetic and I'm concerned that more people aren't floored like I am. I am so fuckin livid at this point lmaoooooo.

I was about to say I didn't even get this "update" today, but it's there now I was about to shit bricks I'm not gonna believe her until she shows she's trying to fix it, not just ghosting us about all this.. It's pissing me off so bad. Jacykins Artsy Fox link. Does anyone else feel like she switched to this FA so she could ignore it since it won't be on her personal FA Also, are we supposed to get a reply when sending in our proof?

I haven't. Also also, how will you verify payment if we paid before you switched your paypal? Yeah I've been getting those vibes from that start. New eyes, new legs, wings, lots of fun things!!! Happpy halloween, and enjoy! If you feel you have purchased an item and not received it, I would like to remind you that it is very simple to file a ticket.

Speaking as a member of the public, in no official capacity, who purchased the Chrysalis base with certain expectations going on two years ago , I would recommend that if you feel wronged in any way, it is effortless and costless to file a ticket saying that you purchased the Chrysalis Base that is still being advertised on Waitress' profile and you didn't receive what was promised and aren't receiving responses from the artist in question.

I do not work in site administration that handles these complaints, but I know that nothing will change if people don't alert site administration to the problem. And since it would qualify as a conflict of interest, this is the most I'll say on the topic- that I'm not handling this issue, that I won't be in any way tied with it, that I'm voicing my opinion here briefly and as professionally as possible as an equal member of the public who purchased this template almost two years ago and I think that if the artist refuses to answer us individually, refuses refunds and refuses to even communicate openly, that I will be filing a ticket as a member of the public who would like to see a resolution to this that a set of 28 layers for a base I didn't ask for just isn't a response.

On the plus side, if you do get them, they're nice. And you can play with them. But when I order a microwave on Amazon I don't exactly feel mollified when I receive a flashlight and a magnifying glass. I might use the flashlight when the lights go out, but it isn't what I paid for. Belllum bitter lesbian link. But then respond to others bitching about her. Honestly, yeah- she could have handled things better.

But shit does happen. After a while, she's not being treated as an artist, and treated like some sort of high-priced item :u I'm not by any means defending anything, but it just pisses me off seeing ANYONE treat artists this way. Ya'll are just using her bases- HER art. You may be paying for it, but it comes from her. It especially bugs me seeing people STILL using her bases after ripping her so hard, and then suddenly people be chillin that for free?

This is why popularity is such an issue- and I don't blame her for not wanting to talk to anyone. As an artist, who also gets commissions, and other based work- she's doing her best. It may not be what you want immediatly??? Stop whining about it. I wouldn't wanna respond to things like that either, but unlike her- with her endless patience and desire to make things better, I'd be biting peoples heads off for being so fucking rude.

Something could happen to her, and legit- she could be harmed, or hospitalized or worse But ya'll b like 'wrow where's my base!! I bought all her bases too. But anywhere do you see me ripping her ass like that? AGain, yes. She could have handled things differently, and she shouldn't have taken on so much at once if it was going to burn her out. That part is on her. But the harassment I've seen on her page makes me happy that I'm never going to put myself in her position, with thousands of people watching.

Waitress, if you make a come back, and you finish anything-- I honestly suggest just leaving FA lmao. I do think a lot of people are being too hard on her, me probably being one of them without really meaning too, but I admire that she is trying to step up and take care of everything! And yeah, I'm not super duper defending her, but I have to give her props for starting slow to get it all fixed. A lot of people seem to think she can snap her fingers, have a new website, the update done, etc.

You spent money on it and you want what she advertised, updates monthly for a year, and maybe Waitress needs to change that up as obviously with how life has been apparently shitting on her this long while she shouldn't be forcing herself to do updates monthly. That's the main thing that upsets me in this, she's forcing herself to still do monthly updates just to get it all over with, but she's kind of digging herself deeper well, the people getting onto her about the updates not being as big as usual or "shitty quality" which i dont mind the few bits we get with the updates, its just annoying its obvious she's kind of rushing through them.

Given she isn't really even taking into account our suggestions, which she asks for? That's what bothers me, why ask us if you're not even gonna use them? Maybe she has, I haven't exactly side by side compared suggestions with the updates All and all I think we should be happy she's at least TRYING, yeah dipping out like she did was bad, not talking to us was bad.

But we really don't know what's going on in her personal life, she shouldn't have to go into deep detail about it, if she's having trouble like a HUMAN BEING does we should be supportive and let her take her time.

If she manages to pull through this, leave FA or whatever like you suggested, I still would buy her bases. That is if this whole shitstorm doesn't stop her from making them, which i hope it doesn't, I really enjoy her art and bases.

I wanna see her make more with her developing artstyle, even if I come off as shitting on her sometimes, and if she reads this I want her to know that I'm really sorry if I've made her feel bad.

I just don't wanna see her crash and burn because a lot of people are taking it way too out of proportion for most of this. She's doing her best? Really , so when she was going to con's and ignoring people? That's doing her best? I'm not going to leave the mile long post I wrote up because I'm too tired for that but she's still not trying her best. Shit happens but she never told us anything even when people weren't mad so your logic is all sorts of wrong.

Yes, doing your best is putting out work that's not even enough to be half-assed so I think your version of "doing her best" is a bit warped logic, she's being treated as an artist by most here but she's also being treated as what she portrays "cozycatstudios": A business. Cowgirlsweet gave the best example with the magnifier and flashlight.

She is selling a product and a service, she's not done most of. Because in your logic, these are doing her best: - Ignoring her fanbase to go to cons, meets, taking commissions and ignoring people who can't get what they paid for because the site was fucked while using our money to fund this.

The new male base is literally the male version of the base we actually paid for and repeatedly have BEGGED her to work on which she promised to do. A year ago. While she claimed to have per update, that update is legitimately pushed for 3 months and only contains items for 1 as per HER WORDS, she claimed there was new options through 3 bases, one was already made a year ago and renamed with the "new" sticker, one like I said was already made.

Guess what? Still nothing! Here's our schedule for you: May: Revive chrysalis, chibi Chrysalis hasn't been updated period Part of the summer update, only chibi June: Stacks, chibi Part of the "summer update" July: Chrysalis, chibi Still not updated.

Part of the summer update. Something new!!?? October: Final chrysalis, chibi Still not updated, nothing for chibi, an expansion for Spookbeast with the promise of "more goodies to come" Oct 22nd November: Final stacks, final chibi We'll see December:??? Somthing new!!?? So no, I won't stop whining about it and I don't foresee anyone else listening to your demand to do so either, we've already had plenty try to pull that with us this entire situation so I doubt that's really impactful or useful whatsoever.

There isn't endless patience and desire on her part to make things better or she would've been transparent and handled this ALL before this even happened, you're literally trying to make her a victim when this whole situation was fixable two years ago with a simple "Hey guys, I'm taking a hiatus to sort out my irl issues then I promise I'll finish" or "Too much has happened irl for me to be confident in finishing, I'll give you a refund".

That's all that was asked of her but no, she pulled what was listed above. And best, believe me, I've never changed my "tune" on this situation and the ones who have are literally happy to see her actually give them something, so yes we're going to use what we paid for because we might as well make some use of it while waiting for this to be done with since she won't refund us if we've downloaded it. Which is hilarious because the only way to find out she half-assed things is to open it, if you take her descriptions at face value then you'd be fooled so you're effectively screwed Any friends asking me about my bases I've used, I've referred them to other artists or find them other alternatives to use and told them exactly why I would never use any Waitress product including moving to other bases myself from people who actually keep their word.

I recommend anyone reading this to find other options as I don't want you nor my friends in this situation with me and others. Anyone who harassed her or shared her bases were ripped into by the majority still on her ass are the ones who have been stuck here for two years wanting a resolution but by now, the people who got the bases free probably outweigh the ones who paid for it and will continue to grow with this nonsense which is shitty but her userbase can't do anything about it but report.

And no, it doesn't matter if it was 1 dollar or 1 billion dollars because nobody would let a real business give you a piece of something when you paid for the entire thing so why do it to one online?


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